NFHC Publications 2023

January 2023 - September 2023

Recently Accepted Publications:

Mendelson C, Sparkes S, Merenstein DJ, Christensen C, Sharma V, Desale S, Auchtung JM, Kok CR, Hallen-Adams HE, Hutkins R. 2023. Kombucha tea as an anti-hyperglycemic agent in humans with diabetes - a randomized controlled pilot investigation. Front Nutr. 10:1190248.

Motta-Romero HA, Perez-Donado CE, Auchtung JM, Rose DJ. 2023. Toxicity of cadmium on dynamic human gut microbiome cultures and the protective effect of cadmium-tolerant bacteria autochthonous to the gut. Chemosphere. 338:139581.

Kok, C.R., D. Rose, and R. Hutkins. 2023. Predicting personalized responses to dietary fiber interventions: Opportunities for modulation of the gut microbiome to improve health. Annu. Rev. Food Sci. Technol. 14:157-182.`

Mendelson, C., S. Sparkes, D.J. Merenstein, C. Christensen, V. Sharma, S. Desale, J.M. Auchtung, C.R. Kok, H. Hallen-Adams, and R. Hutkins. 2023. Kombucha tea as an anti-hyperglycemic agent in humans with diabetes – randomized controlled pilot investigation. Front. Nutr. 10:1190248.

Cunningham, K.C., Smith, DR, Villageliú, D.N., Ellis, C.M., Ramer-Tait, A.E., Price, J.D., Wyatt, T.A., Knoell, D.L., Samuelson, M.M., Molina, P.E., Welsh, D.A, Samuelson, D.R. Human Alcohol-Microbiota Mice have Increased Susceptibility to Bacterial Pneumonia. Cells. 2023; 12(18):2267.

Samuelson, D.R., Smith, D.R., Cunningham, K.C., Haq, S., Villageliú, D.N., Ellis, C.M., Chowdhury, N.B., Ramer-Tait, A.E., Price, J.D., Knoell, D.L. The Inherited Intestinal Microbiota from Myeloid-Specific ZIP8KO Mice Impairs Pulmonary Host Defense against Pneumococcal Pneumonia. Pathogens. 2023; 12(5):639.

Sun G, Wase N, Su S, Jenkins J, Zhou B, Torres-Rodriguez JT … Foltz A (17th of 26 authors) … Sigmon B, Yu B, Obata T, Schmutz J, Schnable JC (2023) “Genome of Paspalum vaginatum and the role of trehalose mediated autophagy in increasing maize biomass” Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35507-8

Yang Q, Van Haute M, Korth N, Sattler SE, Rose DJ, Juritsch A, Shao J, Beede K, Schmaltz R, Price JD, Toy J, Ramer-Tait AE & Benson AKThe waxy mutation in sorghum and other cereal grains reshapes the gut microbiome by reducing levels of multiple beneficial species. Gut Microbes. 2023 Feb 21;15(1). doi: 10.1080/19490976.2023.2178799