James Schnable recognized for outstanding paper

October 22, 2020

Lincoln, Neb. —A paper by Dr. James Schnable, Agronomy & Horticulture, has been selected as the 2020 Outstanding Paper by The Plant Phenome Journal.

The article, “Functional Modeling of Plant Growth Dynamics,” deals with ways to use time series data collected from high throughput phenotyping facilities like UNL's automated greenhouses. The traits of a plant are not constant but change over time as the plant grows and develops. The UNL team developed a statistical approach to compare the patterns and speeds trait change between different crop varieties. This new approach means plants don't need to be measured as often and it is no longer to measure all the plants in an experiment at the same time, but instead researchers can measure different subsets of plants on different days. The innovation described in this paper means people can run bigger plant biology experiments with less effort by splitting experiments across days. The Plant Phenome Journal invited Dr Schnable to give a presentation on the core innovation of this paper and its implications for plant phenotyping and plant biology research which was recorded and is available online: YouTube.

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