Achievements | Honors, appointments, publications for Oct. 14

October 14th, 2022

Recent achievements for the campus community were earned by Marco Abel, Jonis Agee, Grace Bauer, Kelsy Burke, Barbara DiBernard, Kwakuitl Dreher, Melissa Homestead, Jody Koenig Kellas, Casey Kelly, Congrui Grace Jin, Susan Olafson-Lackey, Jessica Poli, Timothy Schaffert, Ash Eliza Smith, Zachary Wallenberg, Nicholas Wallenberg, Tryphena L. Yeboah and Yanbin Yin.


Yanbin Yin, associate professor in food science and technology, recently won a National Institutes of Health grant to develop a genomic context-based tool, called AOMiner, for bioinformatics data mining of new Acr operons in the human gut microbiome and virome. The Yin lab has recently developed AcrFinder, a bioinformatics software package for automated discovery of Acr operons, primarily based on sequence homology search. The innovation of this project is that AOMiner will implement a genomic context-based algorithm focusing on discovery of new Acr operons instead of Acr proteins. Additionally, this project will be the first large-scale genome mining for Acrs operons from human gut microbiome and virome, which will be developed into a gutAO database.

For full news story click HERE

Story by UNL | Nebraska Today